Solo Music Projects

Over the past fifteen years, Meagan Kelln has been raising her family while sharing her love of piano with hundreds of students. Throughout, her own songs have always been welcome companions, providing a conduit for her experiences and reflections.



With her debut solo EP Handful, Meagan has fused her classical piano training with folk sensibilities, capturing songs about motherhood, mental health, love and change. These are songs to listen to in your safest spaces, in your in-between moments, songs that recognize the stages we move through in our lives, and the profound shifts we are all moving through together.

Released June 24, 2024

Ingunn Benediktsson, cello
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Joel Pearson

© all rights reserved



Life hands you a full plate and the daily monotony of adulting can quickly take the reins, until you realize you’ve let life get in the way of your connection with your partner, that you’ve bottled up your heart and put it on the shelf.

Another Day

The stages of life are in constant flux, folding in on themselves. We grow and leave our childhood home, we watch as our children leave ours, we watch our parents leave theirs. This is an anthem for the sandwich generation, recognizing these big changes in the most mundane of life’s moments.